Tag: festival

Local poets to kickstart Wexford Arts Festival

Các nhà thơ địa phương khởi động Liên hoan Nghệ thuật Wexford 05 Tháng mười 2021 Hai nhà thơ địa phương có vinh dự bắt đầu Liên...

PB POETRY FESTIVAL Offers Fellowships And Scholarships For 18th Annual Festival

Susan R. Williamson, Director of the Palm Beach Poetry Festival, today announced that in addition to regular workshop applications, Fellowships and Scholarship applications are...

Fantasia Film Festival: Midnight (미드나이트) Review

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrizxn9MP4o?si=5qP1DtmVAutbhy5W]   Midnight isn’t so much a thriller but a commentary on society’s treatment of disabled people. The film follows Kyung Mi (Ki-joo Jin), a deaf...

A festival for voices to be heard

PassinArt is doing it again. The longest continuous-running Black theater company (and one of the longest running theaters, period) in the state of Oregon...

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